Numerology and Health benefits


Numerology and Health a basic info as there are multiple branches of numerology in which we practice different methods.

4&7 are shadow numbers, connected to 1&2 respectively. Hence, 1&4 and 2&7 are interconnected.

Other Numbers 3, 5,6,8,9 are purely connected to body, hence diseases related to body can be ascertained by these numbers.

However, 1,2,4,7 are connected to Soul & Mind, hence diseases related to Soul/Mind can be ascertained by these numbers.

This one is for those in Astro research (Medical).

“The Human body needs water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals to function properly. Let’s take VITAMINS.

  1. Vitamin….A…. SUN.
  2. vitamin….D…..SUN.
  3. Vitamin
    • B-1   (Thiamine)…MERCURY.
    • B-2   (Riboflavin)…MOON.
    • B-3   (Niacin)…….. VENUS.
    • B-6   (Pyridoxine)…JUPITER.
    • B-12 (Cobalamin)…MARS.
    • B-13 (Erotic acid).PLUTO. (Maybe)
    • B-15 (Panmagic acid)…JUPITER.
    • B-17 (Laetrile)…NEPTUNE. (Maybe)
  4. Biotin. JUPITER.
  5. Choline. JUPITER.
  7. Folic acid. MARS.
  8.  Inositol. JUPITER.
  9.  Vitamin. C  SATURN.
  10.  Vitamin E.  VENUS.
  11.  Vitamin   K. SATURN.