September predictions – Part 1

September predictions – Part 1

Wishing everyone a very happy long weekend and best wishes on students going back to school/college/universities.

Feel the power of No. 8 money number Friday 8/9/2023 can be excellent day for career or finance related decision.

LIBRA Their destiny ultimately connected with the universe Good at Social transformations as a teacher or social worker The well-being of the mass public Need to learn the value of self-discipline
SCORPIO Fully formed personality The blend of mental and physical to deal with difficulties Career offer that challenge adequate. Very aggressive to teachers, parents, etc.
SAGGITARIUS Should be wisely guided to various states of life They have unusual; ambitions Always select careers that approach dealing with people directly Need to convince them they will follow with heart
CAPRICORN Often grow before time know a fair about human psychology Have an Idea from a Teenage what Will be a Career Most seen stick to One profession for life* Need to Curb extraordinary energies
AQUARIUS Childhood development should not like a tree growth too much pruning or clipping As they have a rebellious nature let them pick their own interest Hobbies turn into careers seen often As a water sign behavior needs to secure only the outer border
PISCES They respond to love & and warmth as Naturally as Flower Often have variety of interest Still learning to being playful in as growing a major challenge in life. Attention is required at all times


Next week topic will be Name numerology and logo design.