Numerology is not limited up to Numbers or interpretations and also not to b taken as lucky numbers or days of months etc. It is about how applied in life for transforming life thru in name or signature etc.
Here We will throw lights only just basic birth month:
Many people say about a birth month I am July born or born on this but all this is to be understood with your personal numbers to cosmic numbers .
Every month has 3 or 4 set of births
A 1 to 9 who are born any month from 1 to 9 is considered pure form
B 10 to 19 who are born any month from 10 to 19 is considered Sun lead birthdays
C 20 to 29 who are born any month from 20 to 29 is considered Moon lead birthdays
D 30 and 31 who are born any month on 30 and 31 is considered Jupiter lead birthdays
E Every Month 21 to 27 are Treaty or Cusp birthdays as they have influence of two zodiac.
In general people born from 10 to 31 have three number impact i.e. 5=6 1 (sun) + 5 (mercury) = 6( Venus)
To be continued
For more details please contact
Manish Panchhal